Saturday, October 29, 2011

M.Sc. Biotechnology Syllabus University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

M.Sc. Biotechnology.
Eachtheory paper will have 9 questions,out of which a candidate has to attempt 5questions and the question no. I will be compulsory.The I will carry 20marks and will be of several short objective type of questions such as one wordanswer, fill in the blanks,true or false, or multiple choice type.The questionno. I will be set in a manner to cover the entire course.
Ineach practical paper 15% marks will be reserved for the pracital record and 10%marks for the viva voce examination.The practical record will also have a typedrecord of one seminar delivered by the student

Distributionof Papers

Paper I
Cell Biology
100 marks
Paper II
Biological Macromolecules and Basic Enzymology
100 marks
Paper III
Microbial diversity,Physiology and Genetics
100 marks
Paper IV
Molecular Biology
100 marks
Paper V
Virology Immunology
100 marks
Paper VI
Genetic Engineering
100 marks
Practical I
Based on theory papers I,II and III
150 marks
Paper VII
Animal Cell Science and Technology
100 marks
Paper VIII
Plant biotechnology
100 marks
Paper IX
Bioprocess Engineering and Technology
100 marks
Paper X
Bioresource and Environmental Biotechnology
100 marks
Practical III
Based on theory papers VII to X
200 marks
Paper XI
Elective (Internal evaluation)
100 marks
Paper XII
200 marks
1800 marks

M.Sc Biotechnology (Previous)

Cell Diversity:Cell size shape, cell theory, structure and function of cell organelles inprokaryotic & eukaryotic cells. Cells as experimental models: E.Coli,yeast,Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Arabidopsis thaliana &vertebrates.

The cell cycle and programmed cell death: Cell cycle, molecular events inplants and animals. The mechanics of cell division. Cell motility. Cell death: Apoptosis.Extra-cellular control of cell division,cell growth & Apoptosis.

The cytoskeleton: The self assembly and dynamic structure of cytoskeletalfilaments, How cells regulate their cytoskeletal filaments; molecular moters, thecytoskeleton and cell behavior. Microtubule motors & movements. Cell-cellinteractions: Cell Adhesion proteins, tight & gap junctions, plant celladhesion & plasmodesmata.

Techniques for cell study: Different types of microscopy, cell fractionationmethods, x-ray diffraction & NMR spectroscopy, Histochemistry,Microtomy,FISH,GISH.

Energy conversion: Mitochondria and chloroplasts. Electron transport chains andtheir protein pumps, the genetic system of mitochondria and plastids. Theevolution of electron transport chains.

Transport of nutrients, icons & macromolecules across membranes. Signaltransduction, mechanism and cellular responses to environmental signals. Biosyntesisof proteins in Eukaryotic cells, Co-and post translational modification,intracellular protein traffic. Protein localization: synthesis of secretory andmembrane proteins.

Cellular basis of differentiation and development-mitosis, Gametogenesis andfertilization, Development in Drosophila and Arabiopsis; PM5 spatial &temporary regulation of gene expression.

Biostatistics brief description and tabulation of data and its graphicalrepresentation. Measures of central tendency and dispersion: mean, median, mode,range standard deviation, variance, idea of two types of errors and level ofsignificance, test of significance (F & T test); Chi-square tests. Simple, linearregression and correlation.

1. Microscopy:Demonstration of different types of microscopes.
2. Microtomy
3. Instrumentalmethods for the cell biology.
4. Sub-cellularfractionation & marker enzymes.
5. Histochemicallocalization of protein, carbohydrate, fats, strach, lignin, DNA, RNA etc.
6. Mitosisand Meiosis
7. Biostatisticsexercises.

Principles ofthermodynamics, first and second law, concept of free energy high energycompounds, Amino acids and peptides- classification, chemical reactions andphysical properties.

Proteins-classification, hierarchy in structure, Ramachandran map. Proteinsequencing, Glyco and lipoproteins-structure and function.

Sugars-Classification and reactions, Polysaccharides-types, structuralfeatures, methods for compositional analysis.

Lipids-Classification, structure and functions, glycero phospholipids,sphignolopids, cholesterol and its biosynthesis. Polynucleotide’s: biosynthesisof purines and pyrimidines, de novo and salvage pathway.
Secondary metabolites in living systems: Alkaloids, Steroids and Flavonoids. Macromoleculesand super molecular assemblies-like membranes, ribosome’s, chromosomes.

Enzymes and coenzymes, classification, enzyme inhibition, enzyme kineticsMichalis Menten Equation, Km value, Kinetics of bi-bi substrate reaction,regulation of enzyme activity, feed back inhibition and allosteric control. Enzymecatalysis in solution, effect of organic solvents on enzyme catalysis, Immobilizationf enzymes and its application, determination of active sites.

Analytical techniques in bio-chemistry: chromatography: Ion exchange, liquid-liquidChromatography, GLC, HPLC: Electrophoresis including 2DPAGE; Spectrophotometry:Beers and Lambert law, Types of detectors(UVVIS). Physical techniques instructural analysis: UV, IR, NMR, LASER/Raman spectroscopy X-rayCrystallography and Ultra centrifugation.

Protein and nucleic acid data bases: structural comparison at secondary andtertiary levels. computer aided drug designing, Computational techniques instructural analysis; Nanoparticles.

1. Reactionsof amino acids, sugars and lipids.
2. Isolation,purity determination and quantization of cholesterol, DNA and RNA
3. Electrophoresisof Proteins-native and under denaturing conditions.
4. N-andC-terminal analysis of proteins.
5. Peptidemapping.
6. Quantitationof Proteins and Sugars.
7. Analysisof oils-iodine number, saponification value, acid number.
8. UV.Visible, Fluorescence and IR Spectroscopy. Absorption spectra.
9. Separationtechniques-Centrifugation, Chromatography (Gel permeation, Ion exchange.TLCetc.) and Electrophoresis.
10. Separationtechniques(HPLC,GPC,FPLC)
11. Enzyme: Purification and Kineticanalysis.
12. Electrophoresis of DNA-linear, circularand super coiled.

History and Developmentof Microbiology. Microbial evolution, systematic and taxonomy-Evolution ofearth and earliest life forms; primitive organisms and their metabolicstrategies and molecular coding; New approaches to bacterial taxonomyclassification including ribotyping; Ribosomal RNA sequencing; Characteristicsof primary domains; Taxonomy, Nomenclature and Bergey's Manual.

Prokarotic and eukaryotic diversity. Prokaryotic Cells: Structure andFunction-Cell wall composition of Gram +ve & -ve bacteria; Cell wall andcell membrane synthesis; Flagella and motility; cell inclusions likeendospores, gas vesicales. Bacteria: Purple and green bacterial, Cyanobacteria;budding bacteria, Spirochaetes; Sheathed bacteria, Endospore forming rods andcocci; Mycobacteria; Rickettsias, Chlamydias and Mycoplasms, Archaea: Archaeaas earliest life forms; Halophiles, Methanogens; Hyperthermophilic archaea andThermoplasma. Eukarya: Algae, Fungi, Slime molds and Protozoa.

Methods in Microbiology: Pure culture technique; and auxotrophs. MicrobialGrowth-The definition of growth, mathematical expression of growth, growthcure, measurement of growth and growth yields, Synchronous growth, Continuous, Batchand Fed Batch Culture; Growth as affected by environmental factors liketemperature, acidity, alkalinity, water availability and oxygen; Culturecollection maintenance and preservation.

Physiology and Metabolic Diversity among Microorganisms-Nutritionalclassification of microorganisms- chemoautotrophs, chemotheterotrophs andphotosnthetic microorganisms. Photosynthesis in microorganisms; Role ofChlorophylls, Carotenoids and phycobilins; Light and Dark Reaction;Chemolithotrophy; Hydrogen, Iron, Nitrate and oxidizing bacteria; Nitrate andsulfate reduction; Syntrophy; Role of anoxicdecomposition; Nitrogen metabolism;Nitrogen fixatil; Hydrocarbon transformation.

Microbial Diseases-Disease reservoirs; Epidemiologial terminologies; infectiousdisease transmission; Respiratory infections caused by bacteria and viruses; Tuberculosis;Sexually transmitted diseases including ;Disease transmitted byanimals(rabies),insects and ticks(rickettsias, malaria),Food and water bornediseases; Public health and water quality; Pathogenic fungi; Emerging andresurgent infectious diseases.

Host Parasite Relationships-Normal microflora of skin, oral cavity, gastrointestinaltract; entry of pathogens into the host; colonization and factors predisposingto infections; types of toxins(Exotoxin, Endotoxin and Entreotoxin)and theirstructure; mode of actions; virulence and pathogenesis.

Chemotherapy and Antimicrobial agents; Sulfa drugs; Antibiotics; Pencillins andCephalosporins; Broad-Spectrum antibiotics; Antibiotics from prokaryotes; Antifungalantibiotics; Mode of action; Resistance to antibiotics.

Genes, Mutation and Mutagenesis-Mutagens-Radiation and chemical; Types ofmutation and their repair mechanism; Ames test for mutagenesis; Methods ofgenetic analysis. Bacterial Genetic System-Recombination-Transformation, Conjugation,Transduction, Plasmids and Transposons, Bacterial genetic map with reference toE.coli. Genetic Systems of Yeast and Neurospora Extra-Chromosomal Inheritance.
1. Preparationof liquid and solid media for growth of microorganisms.
2. Isolationand maintenance of organisms by plating,streaking and serial dilutionmethods,slants and stab cultures, storage of microorganisms.
3. Isolationof pure cultures from soil and water.
4. Growth;Growthcurve,Measurement of bacterial population by turbidometry and serial dilutionmethods.Effect of temperature,pH and carbon and nitrogen source on growth.
5. Microscopicexamination of bacteria,yeast and molds and study of organisms by Gramstain,Acid fast stain and staining for spores.
6. Studyof mutations by Ames test.
7. Assayof antibiotics and demonstration of antibiotic resistance.
8. Analysisof water for potability and determination of MPN.
9. Biochemicalcharacterization of selected microbes.
10. Effect of antibiotics onmicrobes.
11. Other practical based on theorysyllabus.

Introduction toMolecular Biology and Genetic. DNA Replication. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNAreplication, Mechanics of DNA replication, Enzymes and accessory proteinsinvolved in DNA replication. DNA Repair and Recombination.

Transcription-Prokaryotic transcription, Eukaryotic transcription, RNApolymerase, General and specific transcription factors, Regulatory elements andmachanisms of transcription regulation, Transcriptional andpost-transcriptional gene silencing. Modifications in RNA. 5'Cap formation, Transcription,3'-end processing and polydenylation, splicing, Editing, Nuclear export ofmRNA, m-RNA stability.

Translation-Prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation, the translation machinery, Mechanismsof initation, elongation and termination, Regulation of translation, co-andpost-translational modifications of proteins. Protein Localization. Synthesisof Secretory and membrane proteins, Import into nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplastand peroxismes, Receptor mediated endocytosis.

Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes-Viral and cellular oncogenes, tumorsuppressor genes from humans, Structure, function and mechanism of action ofpRB and p53 tumor suppressor proteins.

Antisense and Ribozyme Technology-Molecular mechanism of antisense molecules, inhibitionof splicing, polyadenylation and translation, disruption of RNA structure andcapping, Biochemistry of ribozyme; hammerhead, hairpin and other ribozymes, strategiesfor disigning ribozymes, Applications of antisense and ribozyme technology.

Homologous Recombination-Holiday junction, gene targeting, gene disruption, FLP/FRTand Cre/Lox recombination, Rec A and other recombinases.

Molecular Mapping of Genome-Genetic and physical maps, physical mapping andmap-based cloning, choice of mapping population, simple sequence repeat loci, Southernand fluorescence in situ hybridization in genome analysis: RELP, RAPD and AFLPanalysis, Molecular marker linked to diseased resistance genes, Application ofRFLP in forensic, diseases prognosis, genetic counselling, and Pedigree, varietaletc. Animal trafficking and poaching; Germplasm maintenance, taxonomy andbio-diversity.

Genome Sequencing -Genome sizes, organelle genomes, Genomic libraries, YAC, BAClibraries, Strategies for sequencing genome, Packaging, transfection andrecovery of clones, Application of sequence information for identification ofdefective genes.
1. Isolationof genomic DNA.
2. Southernblotting.
3. RFLPanalysis
4. Isolationof RNA.
5. Isolationof polyA+RNA.
6. Norternblotting.
7. Preparationof probes.
8. Invitro transcription
9. Invitro translation.
10. Metabolic labellling of proteinsand immunoprecipitation.
Brief outline ondiscovery of viruses, nomenclature and classification of viruses(LHT system; Classificationas per VII report of the international committee on taxonomy ofviruses),distinctive properties of viruses; morphology and ultrastructure; capsidsand their arrangements; envelopes and their composition; viral genome, theirtypes and structure; virus related agents(viroids, prions ), Bacteriophage -structuralorganization; replication, one step growth curve; eclipse phase; phageproduction; burst size; lysogenic cycle brief details of X 174,t7,t4M13,Mu,Lambda and PI.

Cultivation of viruses in embryonated eggs, experimental animals and cellcultures; primary and secondary cell cultures; suspension cell cultures andmonolayer cell cultures; assay of viruses-physical and chemical methods(Protein, nucleic acid, electron microscopy),brief account of assay of virusesusing serological techniques. Infectivity assay (plaque method, end pointmethod).

Effects of viruses on plants; appearance of plants; histology, physiology andcytology of plants; common virus diseases of plants; paddy, tomato andsugarcane; viruses of cyanobnacteria, algae, fungi, replication of plantviruses; type species of plant viruses like TMV, Cauliflower mosaic virus andpotato virus X; transimission of plant viruses with vectors(insects, nematodes,fungi)and without vectors(contact, seed and pollens).Brief account ofdiagnostic techniques in plants; infectivity assay of plant viruses, indicatorplants, isolation and purification of plant viruses, serological methods, histochemicaltests. Prevention of crop loss due to virus infection-virus-free plantingmaterial; vector control.

Animal and human viruses-epidemiology replication, pathogenicity, diagnosisprevention and treatment of RNA Viruses, Picorna, Orthomyxo, Parmyxo, Toga andother arthropod viruses,Rhabdo,Rota,HIV and other Oncogenic viruses; DNAviruses; Pox, Herpes, Adeno, SV 40;Hepatitis viruses. Viralvaccines(conventional vaccines, genetic recombinant vaccines used in nationalimmunization programmes with examples) interferons, and antiviral drugs.

Brief history of immunology: immune responses, innate and acquired immunity, organizationand structure of lymphoid organs, Nature, biology and types of antigens andsuperantigens. Antigen-antibody interaction- agglutination, precipitation, complementfixation, immunofluorescence, ELISA, Radioimmunoassay.

Major histocompatibility complex-cells of the immune system, haematopoesis anddifferentiation, lymphocyte trafficking, B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, macrophages,dendritic cells, langerhan cells, Natural killer cells and lymphokine activatedkiller cells, eiosinophils, neutrophils and mast cells.

Regulation of immune response-antigen processing and presentation, generationof humoral and cell mediated immune responses; activation of B andT-lymphocytes, cytokines, and their role in immune regulation. T-cellregulation, MHC restriction, immunological tolerance.

Cell mediated cytotoxicity: Mechanism of T-cell and NK-cell mediated lysis. Antibodydependent cell mediated cytotoxicity, macrophage mediated cytotoxicity, Hypersensitivity,Autoimmunity, transplantation, Immunity to infectious agents (inter-cellularparasites, helminthes and virues).Tumor immunology, AIDS and otherImmunodeficiencies. Hybridoma technology and monoclonal antibodies.
1. Studyof various symptoms produced in plants due to virus infection.
2. Studyof viral diseases of plants/animals/human (Specimen/photographs)
3. Differenttype of viruses (Photographs/sketches).
4. Raisingvirus free plants through apical meristem culture.
5. Bloodfilm preparation and identification of cells.
6. Lymphoidorgans and their microscopic organization.
7. Immunization,Collectionof Serum.
8. Doublediffusion and Immuno-electrophoresis.
9. RadialImmuno diffusion.
10. Purification of IgG from serum.
11. Separation of mononuclear cellsby Ficoll-Hypaque.
12. Con-A induced proliferation ofthymocytes (by MTT method).
13. Western-blotting.
14. ELISA.
15. Hapten Conjugation and quantization.
16. Immunodiagnostics(demonstrationusing commercial kits).
17. Any other practical based ontheory syllabus.
Scope of GeneticEngineering Milestones in Genetic Engineering-Isolation enzymes, DNAsequencing, synthesis and mutation, detection and separation, cloning, geneexpression. Cloning and patenting life forms. Genetic engineering guidelines.

Molecular Tools and Their Applications-Restriction enzymes, modificationenzymes, DNA and RNA markers. Nucleic Acid Purification, Yield Analysis.

Nucleic Acid Amplification and its Applications. Gene Cloning Vectors Plasmids,bacteriophages, phagemids, cosmids. Artificial chromosomes. Restriction Mappingof DNA fragments and Map Construction. Nucleic Acid Sequencing.

cDNA Synthesis and Cloning-mRNA enrichment, reverse transcription, DNA primers,linkers, adaptors and their chemical synthesis, Library construction andscreening. Alternative Strategies of Gene Cloning-Cloning interacting genes. Twoand three hybrid systems, cloning differentially expressed genes. Nucleic acidmicroarray arrays.

Site-directed Mutagenesis and Protein Engineering. How to Study GeneRegulation? DNA transfection, Northern blot, Primer extension, SI mapping, RNaseprotection assays, Reporter assays.

Expression Strategies for Heterologous Genes-Vector engineering and codonoptimization, host engineering, in vitro transcription and translation, expressionin bacteria, expression in yeast, expression in insects and insect cells, expressionin mammalian cells, expression in plants. Processing of Recombinantproteins-Purification and refolding, characterization of recombinant proteins, stabilizationof proteins. Phage Display.

T-DNA and Transposon Tagging-Role of gene tagging in gene analysis, T-DNA andTransposon tagging, Identification and isolation of genes through T-DNA ortransposon. Transgenic and Gene Knockout Technologies. Targeted genereplacement, Chromosome engineering. Gene Therapy-Vector engineering. Strategiesof gene delivery, gene replacement/augmentation, gene correction, gene editing,gene regulation and silencing.

Bioinformatics-Introduction of computer fundamentals, digital computers; lowand high level languages, binary number system. Introduction to programming inQ Basic and MS-DOS,MS-Word, MS-Excel. Applications of computers inbiostatistical problems. Introduction of data structure and database concepts, introductionand details of webs analysis and internet and its applications (NICNET, etc.) .Nucleicacid sequence database, protein, sequence database. Word processing, hawardGraphics, Corel Draw, Basic SQC Promts. Bioinformatic, and Biotechnology.

1. Bacterialculture and antibiotic selection media.Preparation of competent cells.
2. Isolationof plasmid DNA.
3. Isolationof Lambda phage DNA.
4. Quantitationof nucleic acids.
5. Quantitationof nucleic acids.
6. Constructionof restriction map of plasmid DNA
7. Cloningin plasmid/phagemid vectors.
8. Preparationof helper phage and its titration.
9. Preparationof single stranded DNA template.
10. DNA sequencing.
11. Gene expression in E.coli andanalysis of gene product.
12. PCR
13. Reporter Gene assay(Gus/CAT/b-GAL).

M.Sc. Biotechnology (Final)
Structure andorganization of animal cell, Cell physiology. Equipments and materials foranimal cell culture technology. Primary and established cell line cultures.

Introduction to the balance salt solutions and simple growth medium. Briefdiscussion on the chemical, physical and metabolic functions of differentconstituents of culture medium. Role of carbon dioxide. Role of serum andsupplements.

Serum & protein free defined media and their application. measurement ofviability and cytotoxicity. Biology and characterization of cultured cells, measuringparameters of growth.

Basic techniques of mammalian cell culture in vitro; disaggregation of tissueand primary culture; maintenance of cell culture; cell separation. Scaling-upof animal cell culture, Cell synchronization.

Cell cloning, micromanipulation and types of cloning. Cell transformation. Applicationof animal cell culture.

Stem cell culture, embryonic stem cells and their applications. Cell culturebased vaccines. Somatic cell genetics.

Organ and histotypic cultures. Measurement of cell death. Apoptosis. Threedimensional culture and tissue engineering.
1. Preparationof tissue culture medium and membrane filtration.
2. Preparationof single cell suspension from spleen and thymus.
3. Cellcounting and cell viability.
4. Macrophagemonolayer from PEC,and measurement of pathogencity activity.
5. Trypsinizationof monolayer and subculturing.
6. Cryopreservationand thawing.
7. Measurementof doubling time.
8. Roleof serum in cell culture.
9. Preparationmetaphage chromosome from cultured cells.
10. Isolation of and demonstration ofapoptosis of DNA laddering.
11. MTT assay for cell viability andgrowth.
12. Cell fusion with PEG.

Introduction tocell and tissue culture, tissue culture as a technique to produce novel plantsand hybrids. Tissue culture media (composition and preparation).

Initiation and maintenance of callus and suspension culture; single cellclones. Organogenesis; somatic embryogenesis; transfer and establishment ofwhole plants in soil. Shoot-tip culture: rapid clonal propagation andproduction of virus-free plants.

Embryo culture and embryo rescue. Protoplast isolation, culture and fusion; selectionof hybrid cells and regeneration of hybrid plants; symmetric and asymmetrichybrids, cybrids.

Another, pollen and overy culture for production of haploid plants andhomozygous lines. Cryopreservation, slow growth and DNA banking for germ plasmconservation. Basic techniques in rDNA technology.

Plant Transformation Technology: basis of tumor formation, hairy root, featuresof Ti and Ri plasmid, mechanisms of DNA transfer, role of virulence genes, useof TI and RI as vectors, binary vectors, use of 35S and other promoters, geneticmarkers, use of reporter genes, reporter gene with introns, use of scaffoldattachment regions, methods of nuclear transformation, viral vectors and theirapplication, multiple gene transfers, vector less or direct DNA transfer, particlebombardment, electroporation, microinjection, transformationon monocots. Transgenestability and gene silencing.

Application of plant Transformation for productivity and performance herbicideresistance, phosphoinothricin, glyphosate, sufonyl urea, atrazine, insectresistance, Bt genes, Non-Bt like protease inhibitors, alpha amylase inhibitor,virus resistance, coat protein mediated, nucleocapsid gene diseaseresistance,chitinase,1-3 betaglucanase, RIP, antifungal proteins, thionins, PRproteins, nematode resistance, abiotic stress, post-harvest losses, long shelflife of fruits and flowers, use of ACC synthase, polygalacturanase, ACCoxidase, male sterile lines, bar and barnase systems, carbohydrate compositionand storage, ADP glucose pyrophosphatase.

Chloroplast Transformation; advantages, vectors, success with tobacco andpotato. Metabolic Engineering and industrial Products: plant secondarymetabolites, control mechanisms and manipulation of phenylpropanoid pathway, alkaloids,industrial enzymes, biodegradable plastics, polyhydroxybutyrate, therapeuticproteins, lysosomal enzymes, antibodies, edible vaccines,purificationstrategies, oleosin partitioning technology.

Conventional plant breeding. Molecular Market-aided Br4eeding: RFLP maps, linkageanalysis, RAPD markers, STS, microsatellites, SCAR (sequence characterizedamplified region), SSCP(single strand conformation polymorphism), AFLP, QTL, mapbased clonning, molecular marker assisted selection. Arid and semi-arid plantbiotechnology. Green house and green-home technology

1. Preparationof media.
2. Surfacesterilization
3. Organculture.
4. Calluspropagation,organogenesis,transfer of plants to soil.
5. Protoplastisolation and culture.
6. Antherculture,production of Haplods.
7. Cytologicalexamination of regenerated plants.
8. Agrobacteriumculture,selection of transformants,reporter gene(GUS)assays.
9. DevelopingRFLP and RAPD maps.

Introduction toBioprocess Engineering, Classification o Bioreactor types, specializedbioreactors(pulsed, fluidised, photobioreactors etc).

Isolation preservation and maintenance of industrial microrganisms, media forindustrial fermentation, Air and media sterilization.

Types of Fermentation processes: Analysis of batch, fed batch and continuousbioreactions, stability of microbial reactors, analysis of mixed microbialpopulations.

Measurement and control of bioprocess parameters, Downstream processing: Introduction,Removal of microbial cells and solid matter, foam separation, precipitation, filtration,centrifugation, cell disruptions, liquid-liquid extraction, chromatography, membraneprocess, Drying and crystallization.
Whole Cell immobilization and their industrial Applications.
Industrial Production of chemicals utilizing wastes: Alcohol (ethanol) Acids(citric,acetic and gluconic), solvents (glycerol, acetone, butand), antibiotics (Penicillin,streptomycin, tetracycline), Aminoacids (lysine, glutamic acid), Single CellProtein.

Use of microbes in mineral beneficiation and oil recovery.

Introduction to food Technology, Principles of food processing, Elementary ideaof canning and packing, sterilization and pasteurization of Food Products, Technologyof typical Food/Food Products(bread, cheese idli), Food Preservation.

1. Isolationof industrially important microorganisms for microbial processes.
2. Determinationof thermal death point(TDP)and thermal death time (TDT)of microorganism fordesign of a sterilizer.
3. Comparativestudies of Ethanol production using different substrates.
4. Microbialproduction of citric acid using Aspergillus niger.
5. Microbialproduction of antibiotics(Penicillin).
6. Productionand estimation of Alkaline Protease.
7. Useof alginate for cell immobilization.

Environment-basicconcepts and issues; Water: Natural(scarce)resource and its management, Sourcesof water pollution and biological treatment processes and their microbiology: AerobicProcesses-Oxidation ponds, rotating discs, rotating drums; Anaerobicprocesses-Anaerobic digestion, anaerobic filters, Upflow anaerobic sludgeblanket reactors.

Microbiology of degradation of xenobiotics in Environment-Ecologicalhydrocarbons, oil pollution, surfactants, pesticides.

Solid wastes: Sources and management (composting, worm culture and methaneproduction), bioremediation of contaminated soils and waste-land; Biopesticidesin integrated pest management.

Global environmental problems: UV-B and Ozone depletion, Green house effect andacid rain, their effects and biotechnological approaches for management. Methodologyof environmental management-the problem solving approach, its limitations.

Biodiversity and its conservation; Plant germplasm collection including of wildspecies, intraspecific variations in crop plants, molecular characterization ofvariations, issues of intellectual property rights and legal concerns ofbioresource.

Origin of crop plants and their domestication, plants in human nutrition andanimal food, human population growth and global food prospects, food securityand availability of food, International agricultural research, CGIAR andagricultural research and development.

Classical plant breeding, molecular basis of genetic modification and cropimprovement programmes, GM food crops, biotechnology in controlling cropdiseases, weeds, insects and pests.

Seed-biology, technology and role in agriculture, Seed certification, seedbanks, terminator gene technology and implications, plant as chemical andpharmaceutical factories, biosafety and GM food crops, International and localregulations.

1. Detectionof coli forms for determination of the purity of potable water.
2. Determinationof total dissolved solids of water.
3. Determinationof dissolved oxygen concentration of water sample.
4. Determinationof biological oxygen demand (BOD)of a sewage sample.
5. Determinationof chemical oxygen demand (COD)of sewage sample.
6. Determinethe efficiency of removal of air pollutant using fibrous air filter.
7. Isolationof xenobiont degrading bacteria by selective enrichment technique.
8. Testfor the degradation of a aromatic hydrocarbons by bacteria.
9. Surveyof derivative plasmids in microbes growing in polluted environment.
10. Effect of Sulphur dioxide on cropplants.
11. Estimation of heavy metals inwater/soil by Atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
12. Estimation of nitrate in drinkingwater.
13. Study on biogenic methaneproduction in different habitats.

Time:3 hrs.
TheElective paper in the M.Sc. final year will be based on detailed review reporton one of the courses listed in the syllabus.The student will make a completereport in about 100 pages that shall be evaluated by the course co-ordinatorand one internal teacher.The marks will be awarded internally. It is proposedto include the following areas as part of elective papers.
1. Proteomics,functional genomics andtherapeutic genomics.
2. Topics on human genetics and geneticdissection of heritable diseases and detection of associated mutations anddiagnostics based on PCR.
3. Technologies being adapted for furtherapplications like closing of animal with a capacity to produce humanmacromolecules.
LIST OF ELECTIVES(As per DBT Guideline’s )
1. Microbial Technology
2. Computational Biology
3. Animal Biotechnology
4. Plant Biotechnology
5. EnvironmentalBiotechnology
6. Nanobiotechnology
7. Protein Engineering
8. Molecular Virology
9. Industrial & FoodBiotechnology
10. Diagnostics
11. Cancer Genetics
12. Evolutionary Genetics (1.5 Credits)^
13. Model Genetic Systems (1.5 Credits)
14. Pharmacogenomics (1.5 Credits)
15. Stem Cell Biology (1.5 Credits)
16. Vaccines
17. Metabolic Engineering
18. Molecular Therapeutics
Dissertationthe Project work will involve in depth practical work on a problem suggested bythe supervisor of the candidate. The student will submit the dissertation ofthe work done. The dissertation submitted by the candidate shall be evaluatedby one external expert, head of the department and supervisor of the candidate.The seminars, in-plant training and industrial visit reports will also besubmitted by the candidate to the Head of the Department who will submit theseto the external examiner. The examination shall be held in the department andthe dissertation etc. will NOT be required to be mailed to the externalexaminer. The distribution of the marks will be as under.
100 marks
Viva Vice
50 marks
Seminar reports
25 marks
Industry visit report
25 marks
200 marks

Notes relate to subjects would be published soon.
Thank's for Visit

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